My Ebook | Part 1 Introduction Before I Made It
Make Blog and Monetize ebook
Hello there, today I searching for tutorial ebook or article from forum about blog and monetize. About how to makes your blog make money for you. As a newbie blogger. I really dizzy. Because the content of ebook that I had downloded is so looooooooooooong article.
Maybe you have same problem with me, when your began as a blogger at past time. Are you remember about that?
You read every articles in forum, print your ebook and read it. But you still don't have answer for your question about how blog can makes money for you.
I still a newbie blogger, and I still remember I feel down when I stuck about monetize blog. I still have a big question, why my blog earning still zero when other blogger had cash?
Until now, I just have an answer about that. I want share my experience about that. And I make an ebook about that. Until now I still newbie with really really small earning from blog, but like a aphorism small will become big sometime.
So I need your support, from all bloggers around the world. Hope I can finish my ebook. And I will share that ebook for free.
cheeeeeerss bloggers.
[sorry if my english still suck, hope you enjoy this article]
Hello there, today I searching for tutorial ebook or article from forum about blog and monetize. About how to makes your blog make money for you. As a newbie blogger. I really dizzy. Because the content of ebook that I had downloded is so looooooooooooong article.
Maybe you have same problem with me, when your began as a blogger at past time. Are you remember about that?
You read every articles in forum, print your ebook and read it. But you still don't have answer for your question about how blog can makes money for you.
I still a newbie blogger, and I still remember I feel down when I stuck about monetize blog. I still have a big question, why my blog earning still zero when other blogger had cash?
Until now, I just have an answer about that. I want share my experience about that. And I make an ebook about that. Until now I still newbie with really really small earning from blog, but like a aphorism small will become big sometime.
So I need your support, from all bloggers around the world. Hope I can finish my ebook. And I will share that ebook for free.
cheeeeeerss bloggers.
[sorry if my english still suck, hope you enjoy this article]